Sunday, January 8, 2012

simply wonderful.

When I started this blog, one of my hopes was that it could serve as a sort of [giant] post-it of sorts that would track my trains of thought (hah! a little pun-y there :)) in my journey to find what it means and how to practically live missionally daily. Here's one to stick on the corkboard to think about and perhaps come back to later...

I know the Christmas season has already passed, but I've been mulling over some things about my favorite Christmas movie, Frank Capra's It's a Wonderful Life. My mom and I have made an attempt to watch it together during the Christmas season for the past few years, usually while wrapping presents or decorating the tree, and I only wish we would have started the tradition earlier. Anyway, as we were watching it this year, I couldn't help but make a connection to a theme I'd become quite familiar with during my studies at FPUcommunitas.

I came up with a working definition of communitas during my "adventure" (Sounds, way more fun than "final project", right? It was!) for the Exodus/Deuteronomy Bib Lit course I took from Dave Wainscott:
"the unifying spirit, social equality, solidarity and togetherness that is found when a community shares common values, goals and beliefs while working towards a common goal"

I also love the definition:
"the sense of sharing and intimacy that develops among persons who experience liminality as a group."
I think some combination of both of these really capture my understanding of the concept and explain the connection I found in It's a Wonderful Life.

I know there are so many other themes and concepts that can be gleaned from this movie, but this idea of living for one another rather than ourselves is the one that really struck a chord with me. In keeping with the goal mentioned at the beginning of this post, I see this as a key element of how the Church(I'll save the conversation of the distinction between "little 'c' churches" from "Big 'C' Church", but essentially, think global, worldwide Body of believers) is to carry out MissioDei. What would it look like to "love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honour" a la Romans 12:10? To realize we're all on the SAME team, a part of ONE Body that could be used to do miraculous things if we would just love one another.

Undeniably the conversations that were still fresh in my mind from the projects and papers I had turned in the week before I watched the movie this year had a strong influence on how I watched the movie and what stood out, but I don't think that's the worst thing. Actually, quite the contrary, I am so glad that I did take notice of the presence of communitas in the classic film. I hope the thing I've learned during the past three and a half years continue to shape and challenge me to dig deeper. 

Finally, I'll leave you with the lines that grabbed my attention and got me on this whole ramble...

Uncle Billy: Mary did it, George! Mary did it! She told some people you were in trouble and then, they scattered all over town collecting money. They didn't ask any questions - just said: "If George is in trouble, count me in..."

And here's that scene:

Hee-haw and Happy second week of the year!

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