Sunday, February 19, 2012

airplanes and earth.

I love to travel.

I especially love traveling when it includes taking an airplane. There's just something about being up in the sky, looking out the window at the pillows of clouds and the patchwork quilt that is the Earth that is so...exhilarating.awe-inspiring.peaceful.
In an airplane, I can see for miles. In an airplane, I can take in the map of the land. In an airplane, I can see the big picture. 

This is a valuable view, one I don't often get. You see, I live on the ground. I am surrounded by the present. On the ground, I often forget that there is more to the picture than what I see in front of me.

However, on the ground, I can see the cracks in the road and the needles on the pines. On the ground, I can see the smiles and tears on the faces of those I love. On the ground, I can see the details. 

Therefore, this is also a valuable view.

The problem I face is finding the balance between the two.
Spend too much time in an airplane, and I begin to think I know best, that I have control. I am soon selfish.
Spend too much time on the ground, and I begin to think everything is limited to the here and the now, that I am stuck. I am soon overwhelmed.

I am constantly finding myself struggling to find the middle space. I'm not sure what that looks like exactly. Well actually, maybe do. I think it'll be orange.
(it's okay if you don't get that part.)

Anyone else feel like they're stuck in an airplane or a car? If yes, praise God! We are not alone in this. :)

¡Vaya con Dios!

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