Sunday, April 8, 2012


When I sat down to write tonight, I had lots of things  I thought I wanted to write about.
But every time I'd write out a paragraph or so, I'd end up "⌘ + A" and "delete" to start over. 

So, seven attempts and and ninety minutes later, I am here.
Empty page and bedtime closing in.

Maybe it's for the best. Maybe tonight, less is best.

I woke up with one thought today. It's what P.J. spoke about this morning at the eleven.  And what we sang about before leaving. It's what we remember, and never forget, today. 

the greatest day in history.

Death is beaten. We are free. Jesus is alive.
Did we get that? 
Jesus is alive!

What a glorious truth! Yet I found myself dwelling on other things today. 


I know I've talked about listening for God's still, small voice. It seems I haven't quite gotten the hang of putting it into practice. There's so much more that could be said. But I really feel like not much more needs to be said. So this is where I end.

greatest day in history
death is beaten, You have rescued me
sing it out, Jesus is alive

the empty cross, the empty grave
life eternal, You have won the day
shout it out, Jesus is alive
He's alive

oh, happy day, happy day
You washed my sin  away
oh, happy day, happy day
i'll never be the same
forever i am changed


  1. I feel so guilty for just wanting to push the like button and moving on. That stupid like button allows us to just say "yay, that's cool" without providing any sort of feedback. It's dumb.

    Amazing song. Thanks for posting it. I'm gonna go listen to it now.

    1. It's so true though. I wonder how many of the things we "like" are things...we actually like.

      Thanks for taking time to give real feedback.
      and do it! I spent a couple of hours playing (or trying to) it today!
